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Posted: Sat 11:15, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: PALADIN.Retribution PVE dps! |
I couldnt just stand that everyone thinks that paladins can only stay back and heal other party memebers.Maybe you dont know but there is an expansion called The Burning Crusade who changed all of that!!!.
WHY we should have a paladin retribution on 25 raids ?!There are few mainly things :
1.- I can keep an extra 3% to crit on the target at all times for all types of dps, melee, ranged and caster.
2.- I have an aura that adds 6% to healing to any target in my grp (scalable, its amazing how much it adds)
3.- I can keep all 3 essential seals on the target with crusader strike (wisdom, light and crusader improved)
4.- I wear plate and can off-tank if needed and don’t die as fast as a clothie if I pull agro
5.- I don’t have a casting time therefore I have a much more chance to cause damage.
All these facts are TRUE and pretty simple to understand, unless the person you are talking to is an ignorant player or what i like to call a “pre tbc player”(which almost always are mages and hunters lol, weird)
So now when I write all things to our ppl from guild .now I tell something how to spend our talents,stats.
NOTE(warning):Its a build ony for PVE retribution not PVP!
STATS :1.- +hit (5% is the cap vs a lvl 70 mob, 8% vs a lvl 73 mob)
2.- Attack Power (STR – Each STR = 2 Attack Power)
3.- Critical Strike (AGI – Each AGI at lvl 70 = 0.7 Critical Strike Rating)
4.- +Spell Damage (It is not as important as Attack Power but helps a bit NOTE: Do not sacrifice any of the other stats above this one for more +spell damage)
5.- Mana (INT – Granted the spec I will give you in this guide will help you a lot to conserve mana, it is always good if you can get extra mana WITHOUT sacrificing any of the top stats)
6.- Stamina (STAM - Yeah we wear plate, but having hp in case we pull agro “I almost always do :S” is good)
7.- Mana Regen (SPI/MP5 – Last but not as important is mana regen, again the spec I will give you will enable you to effectively dps with minor mana)
And now to all Paladins retributions:
+spell damage IS NOT the main source of paladin RET/PVE dps, whoever said this is wrong (should be taken out the back and shot, j/k lol). +spell damage is for CASTERS… WE ARE NOT CASTERS… NEVER WHERE AND NEVER WILL BE, WE ARE A MELEE ORIENTED CLASS FOR DAMAGE, for healing yes we are casters, that’s another story… BUT FOR DPS WE ARE MELEE NOT CASTERS…
What is the best weapon choice : ofc 2h slow weapon (for humans the best is Mace or Sword)
With who we should stay in group:Shadow priest are our best friends ;] they regenerate very fast our mana (not only for retri but all kind of spec) and shamman with windfury.Why is Windfury so great for RET/PVE pallys? We use 2 handers as preferred dps weapon, the damage from a 2 hander scales A LOT in a crit, the more swings the more crits etc, it is amazing how much more output you can get with this and heroism together, not only that… SOC DOES PROC OF WINDFURY!!!
Think about it ppl(pre TBC special).I hope I prove you all that retri spec paladins (and even other class with diffrent spec) are very Helpfull for raids!.
All those notes what I write are from forums and my own experiance.
Thanks to Hagrin – lvl 70 RET/PVE Paladin from Nathrezim who made ppl from his server belive in dps retribution by being one of the top dps palyers on raids 25!
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Posted: Sat 12:00, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
If thats true you forgot about one thing. Good talents isnt everything you need to find paladin with skills and i never saw paladin who was good in retri build
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Posted: Sat 13:10, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
Well you have never seen Valkor couse u never been on raid 25 with real retri paladin that why.Not the talents are the main thing but stats in what is he putting and what kind of skill is he using.Whole paladins who are on our server are pvp retribuion not pve.Never seen on our server a paladin PvE.only I know Hagrid from US server and Quazi from German server palying as a retri blood elf who now is making BT and is on top of 5 ppl in dps.
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Posted: Sat 13:27, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
If its true that he is top 5 in dps i think in that guild rogues mages warlocks and other dps sucks couse they should do more dps than paladin
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Posted: Sat 14:04, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
As I say Valkor they are raiding BT (not karazhan) and I dont think so that they could get to Hyjal and BT and farming them with low dps ;]
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Posted: Sat 14:30, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
So you are trying to say we got low dps in our guild and we need retri pala that will outdps all our ppl and we will go to BT with him
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Posted: Sat 14:50, 08 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
LOL firstly:I didnt say neva that our dps are low and secondly this topic is saying that paladin CAN ALSO dps and thats all.Dont say things Valkor that I didnt saied couse now what are u telling is silly hehe.
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Posted: Sun 0:14, 09 Dec 2007 Post subject: IMO |
And what i will say.
i knew once a pala...pre tbc
he was 3rd dps in 40man raid he was awsome rly and ye they give few buffs.
well ofc lock mage huntards are pure dps classes like rogue
any of they spec is dps
what is my point?
My point is if drood can heal tank dps and cast spells he should never top dps in front of dps classes
same as shaman or paladins or even Spriests
they are not pure dps classes and always should be out dpsed by others
but idd they buff raid also the dps classes so all can nuke even more.
if i would se good retri pala with imba build good gear that would go with
few of our people to 5 man heroic and he would top dps or at lest 2nd...
i would give them chance in raids.
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Posted: Sun 7:37, 09 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
As for 1st post U dont have that cus ure holy XP
as for retardins u know i got a paly but i dont see in him any potential for dpsing just tell me how u would do that anormus dmg ure taslking about? with seal of command ? crusayder strike? concentration? lol i dont say that pally can only heal cus i like them tanking but for dps they suck
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Posted: Sun 10:31, 09 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
It really does take a good player to do good DPS as retribution, as it would with any other class but it would be needed several times over for playing a retribution paladin well in PvE because it's a class that at least used to be disadvantaged and has gotten some buffs/fixes(Crusader Strike CD reduction which is actually more of a fix because originally it was 6 sec CD but then Blizzard decided to nerf it and much later change it back, free 30% threat reduction and more) that diminished that disadvantage.
Most endgame PvE guilds I know don't use a single retribution paladin for raidng and aren't planning to do so anytime soon and mostly those that are, are horde guilds. I think that is because, from what I've heard at least, Blood Elf Paladins' Seal of Blood has a considerably higher DPS potential than Seal of Command and the overall DPS difference is quite substantial, but that's just from what I've heard and as far as I know it also hurts them back so I don't see how can they keep using it in a PvE situation.
I have also seen WWS reports of horde raids where there Paladins doing incredible amounts of DPS, the highest I've seen so far was a bit over 1700, or in other words what about 3 people currently do in our guild.
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Posted: Sun 12:24, 09 Dec 2007 Post subject: |
Thats true Eradun.Blood elfs have a skill called Seal od Blood wich does incredible dmg and are one of the top on dmg.We alliance have seal of vengency wich sucks very on raids.Ive read forums and blizzard is thinking on giving also for us seall of blood in Lich of king. It would very help uus on raids.Now a dayes its really hard to make good dps on Pve couse there are several items and skill who wich dont help us so much .One thing what we can do is seal of command and wait for new expansion to improve our dps on PvE.If not I a making a Blood elf and stay as a retribution hehe ^^ For ppl who are intrested im adding a link one of Blood elf dps retri pala called Qazi :
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